The Reality Dysfunction Emergence Part I Peter F Hamilton 9780446605151 Books

The Reality Dysfunction Emergence Part I Peter F Hamilton 9780446605151 Books
It is truly difficult to relate the scale of Hamilton's imagination...epic just doesn't quite cut it. His ideas flow as if launched from a waterfall, separate in their own right, but always blending into a semi-cohesive whole. The scientific aspect is flawless, the characterization brilliant and mega-individualistic, and the world-building is beyond compare. Does thou thinketh I spew forth TOO many superlatives? Not on your life pal. The Reality Dysfunction IS the very definition of space opera extraordinaire!
Tags : The Reality Dysfunction: Emergence - Part I [Peter F. Hamilton] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In the far future, humanity has divided into two diametrically opposed groups. The Edenists are genetically engineered space-dwellers with telepathic affinity for their biotechnological homes and ships. The Adamists,Peter F. Hamilton,The Reality Dysfunction: Emergence - Part I,Aspect,0446605158,Science fiction.,Fiction,Fiction - Science Fiction,Fiction Science Fiction Space Opera,General Adult,MASS MARKET,Science Fiction,Science Fiction - High Tech,Science Fiction - Space Opera
The Reality Dysfunction Emergence Part I Peter F Hamilton 9780446605151 Books Reviews
I liked the book for all it's complexity and meandering thru worlds and characters on a large scale. I've read the other reviews and almost didn't buy the book. Some made it sound as if you could skip hundreds of pages others complained about sex and or violence. IMHO This is really a romp thru space with lots of characters, all of whom were interesting to me. There is violence and sex but from my point of view it is in context with the plot. No gratuitous (sp ? ) offensive stuff. The plot is dense. If you can skip hundreds of pages, and still think that you read the book. I can only estimate the size of your ego with a road atlas. Lots of space Lots of adventure. Oh and it is well written.
Quite simply, these books are a heck of a lot of FUN. The overall quality of the writing is high. The world building is amazing. Characters, from monarchs to street rats, are believable and intriguing. The dialog seems natural and the humor is funny (this is rare in ANY genre, trust me.) The future-tech is fantastic, the action is non-stop, the plot twists are imaginative... and the bang for the buck is excellent. (Okay, I'm no prude, but the sex scenes didn't do much for me. They're mercifully short though.)
Call me sub-genius, but I think one critic said the bad guys were "too violent." Hmmm, keep that cold pack right there on your temple, Johnny...
Yes, I occasionally lost track of a character thread that hadn't "been around" for a while. It never took more than a few paragraphs for the setting, character or plot line to refresh the connection though.
Overall, very fun stuff.
This is the first part of a 6 book (3 2-part books) series spanning over 3500 pages. It is not actually 6 books or even 3, but one incredibly long novel. The breaks at the end of each book are strictly for purposes of publishing and binding, and have little or nothing to do with natural break points in the story. None of the books stands on its own, so don't even think about starting this one unless you intend to read all 3500+ pages.
I cannot fathom why the book is so long. I seems to me that it could have been shortened by at least 50% with absolutely no loss of content or style. But this is consistent with what appears to be an overall complete lack of editorial input throughout all the volumes. There are tons of grammatical errors and typos that could have been fixed by a decent editor but weren't. But these aside Hamilton is still only a mediocre writer who lacks the ability possessed in spades by colleagues like Bear, Brin and Benford.
The main plot idea is great - souls of dead people returning from the "beyond" to "possess" living humans. The universe that Hamilton constructs, with nanobiotech playing a central role is also fascinating.
However, although sounding like a hard sf novel, there is actually very little in the way of mechanistic explanations for any of the really cool stuff like "affinity bonding", a form of telepathy, or the "neural nanonic" implants that lots of folks have. Instead we are supposed to basically take all these things and more on faith.
The last 100 pages of the last book wrap things up in a nice neat little package, but in a way that is ultimately not very satisfying.
All in all, a valiant effort but one that the author couldn't quite pull off.
Book 1/2 of 6 (because it is really just part 1 of the first book, which is broken into two books for some reason, as is each of the subsequent books, resulting in a 3 book series being comprised of 6 books) has dozens of characters, locales and plots going on, to the point where it is almost impossible to keep them all straight. To add to the confusion, transitions are abrupt and unheralded; often occurring simply as a new paragraph - suddenly you have a whole new point of view, maybe a whole new plot-line without any sort of transition. It was jarring.
It is difficult to give an "overview" plot, because there is simply too much going on. A few plot lines include a young Edenist starship captain and her voidhawk starship grow up and have various experiences; a group of settlers come to the planet Lalonde and various terrible things happen; a young Adamist who begins life as a scavenger makes it big as a result of his uncanny luck and manages to refit his father's old spaceship so he can take up the life of an independent trader and has various experiences as well as breaking hearts at every stop; a young woman is the Lord of Ruin on Tranquility, an Edenist bitek habitat, and as she assumes the mantle of responsibility she has various experiences. That's just a few - it is impossible to be any more specific without a) spoiling the plot and b) turning this into a novelette -)
That said, the worlds created, as well as the two basic groups of humans (Edenists with their living habitats and affinity with each other and their habitats and - in the case of captains - their star ships, and Adamists who are generally religious in nature and feel that affinity is a sin at the very least) are most intriguing. I am also curious about what is going on with the energy virus or whatever is happening on Lalonde and now being spread by Quinn Dexter, one of the Ivets. I have enjoyed all of Hamilton's work so far, so am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt and see where he is going with this. Perhaps once I have read the rest of the books, I will edit my review. (original review dated 10/27/07)
It is truly difficult to relate the scale of Hamilton's imagination...epic just doesn't quite cut it. His ideas flow as if launched from a waterfall, separate in their own right, but always blending into a semi-cohesive whole. The scientific aspect is flawless, the characterization brilliant and mega-individualistic, and the world-building is beyond compare. Does thou thinketh I spew forth TOO many superlatives? Not on your life pal. The Reality Dysfunction IS the very definition of space opera extraordinaire!

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