Accordance Significance Book 2 eBook Shelly Crane

Accordance Significance Book 2 eBook Shelly Crane
Accordance was the book I was waiting for in this series. While the first book took us through Maggie's journey in becoming an Ace and her working her way through her love for Caleb, this book kicked up the action and we finally understand the importance of Maggie and what it means for the entire Ace community.Accordance picks up right where, significance left off. Maggie is hiding out in California with Caleb, Kyle and Bish from the Waterson clan. Of course Maggie stress free vacation is anything but stress free. Bish is not happy and continues to be suspicious of everything and Kyle is still causing trouble for Maggie and Caleb.
While in California, Maggie finally learns her true purpose, she has been selected to be The Visionary for the Aces and to fix what went wrong with clan's. The reason imprinting has stopped is because the Ace's were using their gifts for personal gain instead of helping the people around them. However, this new revelation overwhelms Maggie and she begins to rebel against her new life. She feels it's all to much to handle and that she will not be able to complete her destiny.
As Maggie begins to grapple with her new life, her growing love for Caleb and the dangers from the Waterson, she will need her family and friends support more than ever. As one enemy is defeated a new one rises from the ashes, bent on destroying Maggie and the entire Jacobson clan.
When the Waterson's attack, it becomes clear to Maggie that her new gift will bring danger from all sides. Not only will clans rise up, but the council might not be in favor of the new rules the universe is requiring of the Aces'.

Tags : Accordance (Significance Book 2) - Kindle edition by Shelly Crane. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Accordance (Significance Book 2).,ebook,Shelly Crane,Accordance (Significance Book 2),Kiss Me Publications, LLC,Juvenile Fiction Legends, Myths, Fables Other,Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance
Accordance Significance Book 2 eBook Shelly Crane Reviews
** spoiler alert ** This book allows a deeper look into the world in which Maggie now lives. It reveals the growing longing that she and Caleb have for each other, and not just in the physical sense. My favorite thing about this story is the developing familial feelings produced in Maggie for the Jacobson family. She had missed the feeling of family for so long, but now she finds herself blessed with it.
I enjoyed living vicariously at the beach for a while. There is a lot of positive energy released by the body when I read about the sun-on-the-face, wind-blowing-through-hair, swimming-pool-volleyball, fun moments.
I've got to say that I knew there was something up with Amber, I just wasn't sure what. The results showed for sure what the Watsons were up to behind the scenes. Even more suspicious was that Marla drive-by. It also made me wonder why all of the Jacobsons weren't all in one compound where they would be unassailable. I guess I just want to protect these characters I love.
I did not see the Visionary twist, but it was inevitable that there is something beyond special about Maggie.
I was very happy for Kyle and Lynne but heartbroken for Bish and Jen.
It will be interesting to see where the story goes.
I thought the first book went over the top explaining how Maggie is a virgin and so is every other Ace around but this book was so much worse. Any “normal” teenage behavior was degraded and shamed by both the teens and adults. I’m okay with wholesome, to each their own, but why judge others. Either someone is as pure as the driven snow or a complete slut with “disgusting” thoughts. Also, Caleb was an absolute beta hero. He constantly lets people walk all over him. We are supposed to believe that these two young people get this special gift because they were ready for it, but they aren’t. The majority of the time they go from acting like preteens to acting like old wizened people...awkward and contrived. I also don’t understand the point of keeping Bish and Jen apart. Why not make sure you do not recreate the scene that they saw; obviously other people can avoid their fates by talking to Maggie?
1)I've never made a review but I hope you find this helpful!
2)I don't believe in spoilers so you don't have to worry about those in here)
If you've read Significance (or even any of the Collide books) then you already know that Shelly Crane is an AMAZING writer!Accordance will NOT disappoint.It's as good,or even better,than Significance.
In Accordance we begin Caleb & Maggie's journey.We learn all about Imprinting and all that other good stuff.In Accordance,we continue their journey & learn even more about the Ace's history.Also,I'm happy to say that this book most def has all that lovey dovey stuff that girl's loveeeeee.This book has action,mystery,love,hate && most importantly,stresses the importance of family.Basically this book has it all!Can't wait till Defiance comes out!)
Accordance was the book I was waiting for in this series. While the first book took us through Maggie's journey in becoming an Ace and her working her way through her love for Caleb, this book kicked up the action and we finally understand the importance of Maggie and what it means for the entire Ace community.
Accordance picks up right where, significance left off. Maggie is hiding out in California with Caleb, Kyle and Bish from the Waterson clan. Of course Maggie stress free vacation is anything but stress free. Bish is not happy and continues to be suspicious of everything and Kyle is still causing trouble for Maggie and Caleb.
While in California, Maggie finally learns her true purpose, she has been selected to be The Visionary for the Aces and to fix what went wrong with clan's. The reason imprinting has stopped is because the Ace's were using their gifts for personal gain instead of helping the people around them. However, this new revelation overwhelms Maggie and she begins to rebel against her new life. She feels it's all to much to handle and that she will not be able to complete her destiny.
As Maggie begins to grapple with her new life, her growing love for Caleb and the dangers from the Waterson, she will need her family and friends support more than ever. As one enemy is defeated a new one rises from the ashes, bent on destroying Maggie and the entire Jacobson clan.
When the Waterson's attack, it becomes clear to Maggie that her new gift will bring danger from all sides. Not only will clans rise up, but the council might not be in favor of the new rules the universe is requiring of the Aces'.

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