Ripper Hunter A Thieves Series Book 1 edition by Lexi Blake Paranormal Romance eBooks

Ripper Hunter A Thieves Series Book 1 edition by Lexi Blake Paranormal Romance eBooks
I got sucked into this series with Steal the Light. I loved the original Thieves series and read through the whole thing in five days straight. I wasn't crazy about the idea of new main characters, but not continuing was simply not an option.For one thing, I wanted to see what Dev, Daniel, and Zoey were up to, their children, how the Council and supernatural world changed, etc. And I was pleased that they were included.
But the main reason I was so excited for this book, despite the new protag, was because Marcus is one of my favorite characters ever.
#TeamMarcus #DoingItForMarcus
Can I just spend my entire review talking about him? Better yet, can I just... can I just have him?
When the series ended, I was literally thinking about how he's one of the few vampires who treats his companions well and how I really want him to find someone he loves who loves him back. How could I not be excited for this book when that was what it was going to be about?!
Well, I ended up disappointed. The description made it sound like he'd have a huge part, but he didn't. Instead it was mostly about Grayson, and I didn't like him. Grayson was just too controlling and possessive for me, not only in the bedroom but everywhere. Some people like alpha males. I do not. Daniel and Dev are my limit. This book also had more of a BDSM flavor than the other books. So if you like those things, you'll likely love Grayson.
I was especially bothered though by the lack of consent that seemed to be going on in one of the sex scenes. [Hidden spoiler can be found in my review on my blog or Goodreads.]
Then there was Daniel. *sigh* I have had this love/hate relationship with him since Book 1. See, I was always Team Daniel. Sometimes he's my perfect, favorite type of character. Sometimes he's brooding and sad and unsure of himself and sees himself as a monster, but he's always sure of is his love for Zoey. Sometimes he says the most emotional, heart-warming-and-heart-wrenching-all-at-once things. But other times he's so very NOT perfect. And I love that he's flawed, TRULY flawed. But he let me down big time in this book with how he treated Kelsey. [Hidden spoiler can be found in my review on my blog or Goodreads.]
So basically, the only male characters I was happy with were Marcus and Jamie. But the characters were all still three-dimensional and well-developed nonetheless.
Overall I did enjoy the book, just not quite as much as the original Thieves books.
*Note: This is a spin-off series, and I highly HIGHLY recommend starting with Steal the Light. The original characters have a heavy presence, and I don't think this new series will be as enjoyable if you haven't read the original one.*
Rating: 3 Stars
Original Review @ Metaphors and Moonlight (link in profile)

Tags : Ripper (Hunter: A Thieves Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Lexi Blake. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Lexi Blake,Ripper (Hunter: A Thieves Series Book 1),DLZ Entertainment LLC,FICTION Fantasy Paranormal,FICTION Romance Paranormal
Ripper Hunter A Thieves Series Book 1 edition by Lexi Blake Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews
I loved the author's Thieves series and was looking forward to the spin-off. Unfortunately, it was pretty dreadful. The protagonist has promise, but her (and presumably the author's) taste in men is unbelievably bad. The love interest, who announces that he loves her on their first date based on a dream, is controlling and frankly, creepy. His behavior borders on abusive. I just don't think I can stand to read about him in the next book, so I guess I'm done with this series. Wish it had been better.
Somehow I only recently discovered Lexi Blake, and I've been sort of mainlining her books for a month. I was a little hesitant about moving from her incredible Masters and Mercenaries series into a shifter/vamp paranormal series (not realizing the paranormal actually came first), because I've seen many good authors fail the jump into a new genre, but it was either that or reread all the M & Ms (ummm, that would be for a third time already).
Decided to try this series next, and was actually stunned how brilliantly Ms. Blake totally changed voice, atmosphere, and persona, and perfectly caught the old-style noir detective tone -- hard at first to believe it was the same author.
I love the rough-edged loner, Kelsey, she's unlike any other heroine I can think of, so really hope she doesn't soften up too much over time and get lost and normal. I like the internal logic of the realms, and let's just say it -- nobody can plot like Lexi Blake. Yeah, true, there were a couple rather big leaps of logic or gaps in continuity, but I'm in a forgiving mood. Then I read the 2nd book in the series, also very good but maybe not quite up to Ripper, and now I am tapping my little cloven hoof impatiently for the next in the Hunter series. Meanwhile, guess I'll just have to start the Thieves books!
Just my thoughts
Kelsey I liked. I related to aspects of her behaviour, not all of them but I understood her. However, if she put herself down one more time I was going to throw the because that gets old and unpleasant. If she told us how she had a fast metabolism again I was going to throw the . I got it the first few times. I'm really not good on repetition.
Gray. Wow, he was way too OTT - 'I'm going to marry you because I had a dream about you and I love you and have for ages.' Okay, I'd be leaving very quickly if that came out of a guy's mouth after not really knowing more than he was my brother's good friend. He was so damn possessive. Yes, I know he's a Halfling demon but, Also, the hassling and hustling over the wedding adds another - just stop, you're being OTT. Telling Kelsey that her job was done now. No more working on this investigation. We're not talking about it, I'm telling you to go to our home and wait for me. Gray has spoken - I'm totally paraphrasing but that's what it was in a nutshell. Add an implied old fashioned ending of 'little lady' to everything he says. He doesn't say that, I just felt it in my bones. He does seem so much older using the endearment sweetheart, and very quickly too, but then he switches to the contemporary babe. It was weird.
Is Gray completely heinous? No. There are things about him with potential but he has to tone it down, but I'm guessing he'll redeem himself in the next book. His behaviour is because he is part demon. It's also because he's a victim of a lousy demon father and their painful demon contracts... and just plain circumstance. Still, he should have come clean on a major omission. If you're going to be marrying someone in three days it's nice to have a possible transfer to daddy's plane on the table.
I had a kind of book discussion with a GR friend about how I felt there was s shift in personality of Devinshea and Daniel. They felt different to me, and that is one of the things about reading, we see some things differently. I found myself at arms length with them. This is Kelsey's book, she rightly needs to take centre stage. But, Daniel and Devinshea are an important part of this book and I'm assuming it will build and flow into the next. The vampire near the beginning, Daniel, who answered Kelsey's question as to how he has children - "because I opened myself up to possibilities" - was not the guy who did some crappy things to her and Marcus later on. The Devinshea who talked about his wife, his partner, and had his children with him while talking to Kelsey in the beginning also did not fit the person later in the book. Or some of the things that were dropped throughout the investigation Kelsey undertook. Devinshea's childish spat with Marcus made no sense to me at this point and Dev seemed like a rat. I'm not saying they didn't have their man-baby moments in Thieves 1-5, because they did, but they were just so infuriating this time around and I do not like to see that with characters I have loved, I want some consideration of the attachment readers form. But as I say, this is my interpretation.
I do know Ms Blake has a habit of writing people a certain way and changing them up for emotion's sake, and as part of her overall plotting. Let's see what happens in Addict and what character and behaviour shows for all, and why.
I had my ups and downs with this book. I liked the paranormal aspects better than the romance. The mystery was good. The time in the arena was good. Kelsey discovering what was going on with the beast within was pretty good too. I wanted some more backstory on Grey and Kelsey but I have enough, I guess. The book is well named in light of the fact that Jack the Ripper is a vampire and lives in the Dallas area nowadays, given the style of murder and the mystery ties, but what happened there? Kelsey just knew he was going to be after her, they even had a ...moment, but nothing happened, other than thread was left open. Maybe that will be carried over to the next book.
I don't know how I feel about the romance side of this book, other than it's the weakest link. I don't know how I feel about Marcus in the middle of this, at the moment I feel like he may be the loser in it all because Kelsey makes it clear that Gray is her love.
'I studied the man beside me and wondered what would happen between us. I wanted to open myself to him, but I hesitated and I knew why. The drugs were out of my system. I was no longer under the influence of any spell.
I still loved Grayson Sloane.'
I'd hate to see Marcus hurt because he's always been a gentleman. Maybe there will be another ménage, I don't know, I guess I'll find out when I read Addict.
I got sucked into this series with Steal the Light. I loved the original Thieves series and read through the whole thing in five days straight. I wasn't crazy about the idea of new main characters, but not continuing was simply not an option.
For one thing, I wanted to see what Dev, Daniel, and Zoey were up to, their children, how the Council and supernatural world changed, etc. And I was pleased that they were included.
But the main reason I was so excited for this book, despite the new protag, was because Marcus is one of my favorite characters ever.
#TeamMarcus #DoingItForMarcus
Can I just spend my entire review talking about him? Better yet, can I just... can I just have him?
When the series ended, I was literally thinking about how he's one of the few vampires who treats his companions well and how I really want him to find someone he loves who loves him back. How could I not be excited for this book when that was what it was going to be about?!
Well, I ended up disappointed. The description made it sound like he'd have a huge part, but he didn't. Instead it was mostly about Grayson, and I didn't like him. Grayson was just too controlling and possessive for me, not only in the bedroom but everywhere. Some people like alpha males. I do not. Daniel and Dev are my limit. This book also had more of a BDSM flavor than the other books. So if you like those things, you'll likely love Grayson.
I was especially bothered though by the lack of consent that seemed to be going on in one of the sex scenes. [Hidden spoiler can be found in my review on my blog or Goodreads.]
Then there was Daniel. *sigh* I have had this love/hate relationship with him since Book 1. See, I was always Team Daniel. Sometimes he's my perfect, favorite type of character. Sometimes he's brooding and sad and unsure of himself and sees himself as a monster, but he's always sure of is his love for Zoey. Sometimes he says the most emotional, heart-warming-and-heart-wrenching-all-at-once things. But other times he's so very NOT perfect. And I love that he's flawed, TRULY flawed. But he let me down big time in this book with how he treated Kelsey. [Hidden spoiler can be found in my review on my blog or Goodreads.]
So basically, the only male characters I was happy with were Marcus and Jamie. But the characters were all still three-dimensional and well-developed nonetheless.
Overall I did enjoy the book, just not quite as much as the original Thieves books.
*Note This is a spin-off series, and I highly HIGHLY recommend starting with Steal the Light. The original characters have a heavy presence, and I don't think this new series will be as enjoyable if you haven't read the original one.*
Rating 3 Stars
Original Review @ Metaphors and Moonlight (link in profile)

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