A Thousand Pieces of You Firebird Claudia Gray Books

A Thousand Pieces of You Firebird Claudia Gray Books
This book kept me up all night, I could not stop reading, and I could not think of anything else. I completely lost myself in this book. Regardless of how the trilogy continues, this book on it's own is one of the best books I have ever read. At this point, I have no idea how the next two books might even compare, but I will give them a try.Firstly, the author's writing is superb, characters are so well developed I felt like I was inside their heads, and the worlds are so well build that I felt I was there. I felt fear, I felt sadness, loss, love, everything!!! It was thrilling and scary at the same time.
The main topic here is technological advancement and inter-dimensional travel. Marguerite is a daughter of two geniuses who invent a device they call Firebird, which allows an individual to jump into a version of themselves from another dimension. Unlike her sister Josie and her parents, Marguerite has no inclinations towards science and physics in particular, she is a talented artist, a painter capable of capturing essence of people in her portraits.
As university professors and highly respected researchers funded by a Triad corporation, Marguerite's parents are in constant need of research assistants, who they treat with fondness and respect. Most of the time, the research assistants become an integral part of the family. Theo and Paul are the current research assistants working on Firebird, and have been with the family for several years.
And this is where the plot starts after a tragic accident, and a perceived betrayal, Marguerite and Theo start chasing Paul across dimensions. The other dimensions are different, some more advanced some less advanced but all of them vivid and real. And the versions of characters are different but somehow carry certain similarities. The author brilliantly portrayed the subtle differences in characters and dimensions and created scary world of possibilities.
And romance... Although it took backseat to action and inter-dimensional travel , I could not help myself getting lost in it. It was more pronounced in one of the dimensions, and I caught myself re-reading certain pages because I wanted to stay there forever, just like the characters. The author managed to translate such profound feelings in only few words. It was the most beautiful of romances.
Reading order is A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird, #1), First Impressions: A Firebird Ficlet (Firebird, #1.1), Ten Thousand Skies Above You (Firebird #2), and A Million Worlds with You (Firebird #3).

Tags : Amazon.com: A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird) (9780062278968): Claudia Gray: Books,Claudia Gray,A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird),HarperTeen,0062278967,Romance - General,Science Fiction - General,Thrillers & Suspense,Adventure and adventurers,Adventure and adventurers;Fiction.,Adventure stories,Families,Family life,Family life;Fiction.,Murder,Science fiction,Space and time,Space and time;Fiction.,Action & Adventure - General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, 1st,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Science fiction (Children's Teenage),TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,TEEN'S FICTION THRILLER,Thrillers & Suspense,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Law & Crime,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Thrillers & Suspense,Young Adult FictionLaw & Crime,Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Action & Adventure - General,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Law & Crime,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Thrillers & Suspense,Young Adult FictionLaw & Crime,Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Fiction,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Science fiction (Children's Teenage)
A Thousand Pieces of You Firebird Claudia Gray Books Reviews
******************4.5 Star Review**********
I had this book sitting on my shelf for over and year and can't believe it too me so long to read it. All I can say is Wow! This book was amazing and devoured every page.
I love how this book incorporate science, string theory and alternative universes as part of the story. I have always thought about different planes and alternative universes that might exist and it was fun to see this played out in this story. it was such an interesting take on traditional YA books and made for a very complex and interesting read.
Marguerite believes that a man she trusted has killed her father. She sets out on a quest for revenge by trying to track down her father's killer through different universes. It is through her travels that she soon learns that all is not as it appears to be, and she may be the biggest target of all.
Claudia Gray does a good job of weaving in the ethical dilemma of such travel. As Marguerite jumps from universe to the next she takes over the body of a different Marguerite. Marguerite is taking over another life and making choices for this other self and the consequences of these actions. We also see how others would love to have this power to control others and take over different universes for their personal gain.
The book is also a love story. It ask the question, if two people are destined to be together, will they be together no matter the circumstances. Is fate such a powerful force that it doesn't matter what universe they find themselves in, they will always find a way to each other.
A thousand pieces of you is a thought provoking and interesting read. It will keep you guessing with each page as Marguerite traverses these different worlds trying to put the pieces of her father's death together and fight for her great love.
Marguerite has two genius parents, one of whom invented the "Firebird," a device that sends you to different "dimensions," worlds where countries look different and time works differently from ours. It's not time-travel, but something else altogether more complex. Things fall apart for Marguerite when her father dies and Paul, one of his faithful sidekicks, is the one that killed him. Now Paul has fled to another dimension, Marguerite, along with Theo, the other sidekick, have to jump from dimension to dimension, seeking her father's killer. But things are not what they seem. Something more sinister is at play. Also, Marguerite has feelings for Paul, and deep down she hopes he is not the killer.
I love the interesting world-building and the fast-paced plot. The whole dimensions thing is fascinating, and I love how the author creates alternative versions of London and Russia. Even though she's an artist, Marguerite admires her parents’ scientific brains, and her love for her father shines through. My one big problem with this book is the lack of character development. Gray does an amazing job with the world-building, and she peppers the story with lots of plot twists, but the characters and their motives get lost in all the mayhem. There is a love triangle here, and I'm sure the author will explore this in the other books, but with all the different versions of the characters, it was hard for me to root for anyone in particular. I wasn't emotionally invested in them, and this is vital. Why triangulate the protagonist if you're not into the men in her life? So I give this three out of five Chai Lattes. I won't give up on this series. Hoping the author will focus on the characters in the next book. Fingers crossed.
This book kept me up all night, I could not stop reading, and I could not think of anything else. I completely lost myself in this book. Regardless of how the trilogy continues, this book on it's own is one of the best books I have ever read. At this point, I have no idea how the next two books might even compare, but I will give them a try.
Firstly, the author's writing is superb, characters are so well developed I felt like I was inside their heads, and the worlds are so well build that I felt I was there. I felt fear, I felt sadness, loss, love, everything!!! It was thrilling and scary at the same time.
The main topic here is technological advancement and inter-dimensional travel. Marguerite is a daughter of two geniuses who invent a device they call Firebird, which allows an individual to jump into a version of themselves from another dimension. Unlike her sister Josie and her parents, Marguerite has no inclinations towards science and physics in particular, she is a talented artist, a painter capable of capturing essence of people in her portraits.
As university professors and highly respected researchers funded by a Triad corporation, Marguerite's parents are in constant need of research assistants, who they treat with fondness and respect. Most of the time, the research assistants become an integral part of the family. Theo and Paul are the current research assistants working on Firebird, and have been with the family for several years.
And this is where the plot starts after a tragic accident, and a perceived betrayal, Marguerite and Theo start chasing Paul across dimensions. The other dimensions are different, some more advanced some less advanced but all of them vivid and real. And the versions of characters are different but somehow carry certain similarities. The author brilliantly portrayed the subtle differences in characters and dimensions and created scary world of possibilities.
And romance... Although it took backseat to action and inter-dimensional travel , I could not help myself getting lost in it. It was more pronounced in one of the dimensions, and I caught myself re-reading certain pages because I wanted to stay there forever, just like the characters. The author managed to translate such profound feelings in only few words. It was the most beautiful of romances.
Reading order is A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird, #1), First Impressions A Firebird Ficlet (Firebird, #1.1), Ten Thousand Skies Above You (Firebird #2), and A Million Worlds with You (Firebird #3).

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