Julie Butterfly edition by Greta Milán Alison Layland Literature Fiction eBooks

Julie Butterfly edition by Greta Milán Alison Layland Literature Fiction eBooks
This book consumed me. It made me stop and think. It’s not a typical romance but something so much more. This story is about a man, Bastian trying to live his life without having the stares and comments affect him. He is barely existing until he meets the vibrant Julietta. She wants to help Bastian by using her love for him but years of self doubt and mistrust makes their relationship anything but easy. Add some controlling parents and spunky best friend and you have a great read.
Tags : Julie's Butterfly - Kindle edition by Greta Milán, Alison Layland. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Julie's Butterfly.,ebook,Greta Milán, Alison Layland,Julie's Butterfly,AmazonCrossing,Contemporary Women,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,German Novel And Short Story,Psychological,Romance - Contemporary,Romance: Modern,FICTION - Contemporary Women,FICTION - Romance - Contemporary
Julie Butterfly edition by Greta Milán Alison Layland Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
read too long ago to remember
/read too long ago to remember
I had a really hard time getting through this one.
This book was really informative on epidermolysis bullosa and gave a lot of insight into the lives of those suffering from it. It was also interesting how it affected multiple characters, so we could see different levels of affliction. However, I kind of wondered if the author came up with the book's romance, then threw in an old college research paper on the disorder to make the story more interesting. It sometimes gets too weirdly detailed. For example, when Bastian finally explains it to Julie, he says things like, "Apart from the visible manifestations, severe cases can have large-scale wounding, problems with the mucous membranes and teeth, hair loss... (and so on)." Does anybody describe their disorder to their girlfriend like that?
My other issue with the book was the love interest himself. Bastian is a tormented soul, so wounded from past interactions that he refuses to open up in any way. Every time his disease is mentioned, he assumes Julie is going to run away shrieking, never to be heard from again, so he preemptively shuts her out. This gets really annoying and makes him kind of a jerk. He abruptly ends conversations or ignores her for days (with no explanation whatsoever), and somehow spins it so he feels self-sacrificial.
In addition, he's VERY possessive. I think it's supposed to be attractive, but it's downright creepy. At one point, he bursts into a party ready to punch some people because he heard that she was talking to another guy. Instead of explaining to Julie, "Hey, I'm actually really insecure and think you're only dating me out of pity, so I take any interaction with other men as a threat," he snarls that it's time to go home and drags her from the party. She doesn't seem to find anything weird about this at all.
Now, in the segments from his perspective, it shows WHY he's insecure -- past girlfriends teasing him, people being disgusted upon seeing his scars, etc. It's understandable why he has so little confidence and is afraid to open up. He's built up his disease in his mind so he literally thinks he's a monster, and he is terrified of her reaction. What's frustrating is you don't see ANY of this in his interactions from Julie's perspective. He's just being a silent jerk who randomly blocks her out, gets angry without explaining why, or glares sullenly as though he despises her. And for some reason, she keeps chasing after him. Whenever she confronts him, he just tells her, "You don't know what it's like to live with this disorder!"
In some ways, he reminded me of Edward Cullen -- dark, mysterious, "romantically" jealous, and so misunderstood. Only with less vampire and more epidermolysis bullosa.
This book is about living with an awful hereditary disease called epidermaloysis bullosa. EB is the worst disease that you've never heard of. For more information you can log onto DEBRA.org. You an also donate to families that need supplies and wound care. I am so thankful that someone has written a novel for people to read. Children can be very cruel to those who are different making them feel ashamed by the way they look and these feelings carry over into adulthood. Blisters form not only on your body but in the throat and hasten breathing. JEB is very debilitating and often results in webbing on the hands/fingers from constant injury. There are different forms of EB. It sounds like this photographer did not have JEB , but his best friend may have. This books tells about the daily struggle to be accepted for who you are and not how you look on the outside....how no matter how different you look, there is always hope and love may be just around the corner. Trusting yourself to let someone see your scars is scary but in the end it may be worth it. Please read it and pass it on. We need to find a cure for this horrible disease soon. Children die from this disease every day. Sepsis is very much a part of their painful daily life. Please pray for a cure!
This could have been an informative and enlightening theme - a chance to educate the readership about a rare medical condition. I bought it expecting no less. Unfortunately, it quickly degenerates into a stock, Harlequin romance, Boy and girl meet; instant attraction; both deny it; both encourage it; deny it some more; each misunderstands the other until, finally, the light bulb goes on simultaneously for both. Hugs, kisses and a proposal follow. The author could have spared the effort of writing the epilogue, as it was entirely predictable.
And if the entire story wasn't predictable and tiresome enough, the close proximity of another case of this supposedly exceedingly rare condition seemed more than a little contrived.
The book was good but a bit drawn out with the subject. The whole story revolved around his illness and their relationship because of it. It was a good read about a very sensitive issue; also how our lives are affected by our past.
Human sadness about love and caring.
This book consumed me. It made me stop and think. It’s not a typical romance but something so much more. This story is about a man, Bastian trying to live his life without having the stares and comments affect him. He is barely existing until he meets the vibrant Julietta. She wants to help Bastian by using her love for him but years of self doubt and mistrust makes their relationship anything but easy. Add some controlling parents and spunky best friend and you have a great read.

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